Music Sustainability Alliance

The MSA, the music industry’s green association, is the hub for the industry to learn, innovate, and collaborate to advance climate action. We provide community, science-based solutions, resources, best practices, and tools for operational change across the industry.

Driving Change to Address Future Realities

Like other industries, the music business needs to adapt to a climate changed economy accompanied by new regulations.  

MSA: The Music Industry’s Green Association

Innovation, action, and eagerness to reduce our collective carbon footprint is evident across every sector. The MSA was formed by concerned industry leaders to foster collaboration and set global benchmarks through a shared knowledge base.

The Moral Imperative

We possess an immense cultural influence that extends well beyond our immediate sphere. It is imperative for us to fulfill our responsibility.

Industry Engagement

Networking & problem solving

Monthly meetings

Materiality assessment

Awards & recognition

Yearly summits

Quantification & Measurement

Science-based action for stakeholder business operations

Build Partnerships

Grow the knowledge base, work with experts


Tools, service providers and vendor guide

Business case analysis

Shared member directory

Green Guide - Questions answered & access to best practices

Bulk purchasing opportunities

Identify regulation risks


Curate conference content


Identify regulation risks

Measurement & reporting tutorials

Founding Partners